Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Susan Stratton - Proverbs 17:22

Living Joyfully
Proverbs 17:22

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones"
First, let us look at the meaning of the word "cheerful"...
It may be defined as optimistic, encouraging, high-spirited, light-hearted, joyous, and glad.  It may also be defined as sparkling, radiant, and bright. I think it is such a lovely word!
Yet I sometimes think a cheerful heart is dismissed as an unrealistic state of mind, perhaps even foolish.  As though looking through the world through "rose-colored glasses".  When really, to maintain a cheerful heart - given the various challenges we encounter in this earthly life - is actually quite remarkable, even courageous and profound.  And always enabled as a gift from God Himself...
The saying, "laughter is the best medicine" certainly reflects the truth of this proverb...
A crushed spirit is one that is weighed down by a dark, heavy cloak of hopelessness.  Our "bones" are the very frame-work of our being, and nothing will destroy it faster than a spirit of hopelessness.  A cheerful heart is the exact opposite of a heart filled with the corrosive, bitter attitudes of such things as cynicism and sarcasm.  Such attitudes not only hurt us - they also hurt those around us...
A cheerful heart is a choice we make daily, sometimes even hourly.  It is not denying the reality of the myriad forms of trial, tribulation, and testing of our faith which we will experience during our earthly sojourn, such as anxiety, loss, rejection, frustration, and disappointment...
A cheerful heart is the result of a decision to put our problems into the proper perspective - in light of the knowledge that God loves us, takes care of us, walks with us, and never abandons us...
A cheerful heart also serves as a "witness" to those around us...a beacon of light into the darkness of the unsaved yet watching world which does not know Him, yet so desperately needs Him...
With every new sunrise, we have the choice to focus upon that light...to walk in that light...to reflect that light into a lost world that is stumbling around in darkness, pain, and confusion...
That light is His light - for He IS the Light of the world - the Light of our very souls...
The truth of Proverbs 22 is enabled by the truth of John 16:33, where again we see the word "cheer" - as spoken by Jesus - shortly before He was to "overcome the world" for us, completely and eternally...
"I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace.  In this world, you will have trouble.  But be of good cheer! For I have overcome the world"...
In this case, the "world" includes all of our various trials and tribulations which test our faith.  As far as trouble is concerned, Jesus did not say IF we have it; He said WHEN we have it.  We live in a sin-corrupted world, and there is simply no getting around it, except to go THROUGH it.  Yet all those trials and tribulations have been already overcome for us - through Jesus.  From God's eternal perspective, it is already a done deal!  He has promised to dry all our tears...He has promised us beauty for ashes...He has promised that in Eternity, all the hurtful things will be things of the past.  Long-gone and forgotten, in the light of His unhindered presence.  Certainly these realities present compelling reasons for a cheerful heart!
Challenge For You...
Consider the effect upon yourself and those around you, if you choose to maintain a cheerful heart - demonstrating it with your actions, words, and attitudes - the next time you find yourself in a challenging situation...
Susan has attended Hope church since 1996.  She has always enjoyed writing, and in particular, writing about the things of God has become my passion.  She runs a Facebook group entitled "Love Letter To God", which contains my devotional writings.

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